Message to the great people who work and volunteer to combat Climate Change/ Environmental Racism
All Climate Change/ Environmental Racism Activist Join us for Real Change
Trusted Collectives whom are Climate Change/ Environmental Racism Activists
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Climate Change/ Environmental Racism
Environmental resources disproportionately victimize people of color.
More than half the people living close to hazardous waste are people of color.
Polluted, toxic waste and poisoned resources are not equally distributed within state borders, creating inequitable lifestyles and shortened lifespans in the neighborhoods populated with people who struggle to survive.
While this is inhumane, doing the work of social justice and overall change requires the resilience that often is so taxing that advocacy can become a hazard in itself.
The Compassion CHARRETTE is addressing the toxic load that is emotionally and financially draining organizers by bringing us together to embolden, support and educate us all on the issues of PMF (physical, mental and financial) HEALTH.
Who's behind the Compassion Charrete
The collectives behind the Compassion Charrette range from activist, entrepreneurs, frontline workers and more
Inspired be a vision of real change, Lisa Cain and group of Collectives, created, funded and assembled the most comprehensive Charrette for effective change that anyone has every attempted.
The Compassion Charrette is about helping activists, frontline workers, and caregivers relax, recharge, breathe and become apart of something bigger than we are individually.